
About Bhavesh Naik

I can help you 

Be the Best Business Philosopher Your Business Has

Hi, my name is Bhavesh Naik.

I bring cultural transformation in business organizations by engaging the humanity of their people: 368 companies, 1246 professionals and counting. I do it by teaching business professionals how to build their own business philosophies so that they can build a self-perpetuating, self-sustaining, long-lasting business success.  

Click the button below to get started for free on the journey to be Your Own Business Philosopher. 

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3 Paths to Being Your Own Business Philosopher

Choose one of the roles you currently play in your professional life to get started on the journey to be Your Own Business Philosopher.


Is your business built to last? Evaluate the structural strength of your business.


How well is your team functioning? Measure your team's performance index.

SELL things or ideas?

How do your prospective clients perceive you: "Pushy" or "Pro?" 


Bhavesh is perhaps the most under-qualified person you can find to be in his current role. By traditional measures, he is not your “typical” trainer, coach or management consultant. He does not have a Ph.D. in Organizational Development or a Masters Degree in Human Resources. Bhavesh also owns no certifications from any coaching and training institutions (and plans to keep it that way). 

He has spent more time out in the field, in the trenches, working in the business world, doing the kind of work that his workshop participants do, than in a laboratory, a classroom or in academic pursuits. Everything that Bhavesh teaches has been tried, tested and proven, first in the best Research and Development Lab that the world has to offer - himself, and second in the real world, working with his clients and students, one-on-one, in small groups and large seminars. That’s why, instead of being a know-all, be-all preacher, Bhavesh can be someone who the participants can relate with as “one of us.”

While logging well over 1000 hours in the classroom training and instructing students - from a few people to a few dozen (and occasionally a few hundred) at a time - Bhavesh has developed a unique, improvisational style of training that is entertaining yet invasive, inspiring yet stimulating, and interactive yet educational. In the hundreds of one-on-coaching sessions he has conducted, Bhavesh has brought to bear his deep listening skills and non-judgmental, transparent presence to bring about an exhilarating, energizing, inside-out change.

By education, he is an Electrical Engineer (Bachelors in Science, graduated Summa Cum Laude in 1990) from New Jersey Institute of Technology. There, the Dean of Humanities Department handpicked him to minor in Arts and Humanities for the unusual spark he demonstrated in the area. He spent thirteen years working with the corporate America: as a software engineer, systems integration consultant, project manager, and quality assurance director, before choosing to be in the coaching and training profession. Bhavesh (through his business) owned and operated a Sandler Sales Training franchise from August 2004 to July 2009 (5 years), and won the Silver Award for a Fast Start within the first 4 months of buying the franchise.

While receiving multiple awards in his career positions, he always gravitated towards the “soft issues” that affected people, businesses and societies. For example, at IBM he led the Defect Prevention Process (inspired by Dr. Edward Deming) efforts. At Hughes Network Systems and eon Corporation, he led software project managers and engineers to better quality of software. In these projects, Bhavesh had many opportunities to try out the various concepts that he now teaches in his workshops.

Bhavesh’s life-passion is to study and experiment with cutting-edge ideas, concepts, and models in human effectiveness and their effects on business organizations, institutions and society at large. While receiving multiple awards in his career positions, he has always gravitated towards the “soft issues” that affected people, businesses and societies. He chose his current profession not because it pays the most or it’s the most glamorous thing to do, but because he believes that that’s how he can make the biggest impact in the world. For him, his work is an instrument to achieve something greater than himself.

Bhavesh is currently working on bringing more than two decades of his experience in the in-person, classroom learning to an online platform. With Awayre Academy, Awayre, LLC's online learning platform, Bhavesh seeks to bring the magic of in-person, human-to-human teaching to the seemingly cold world of online education. In this role, Bhavesh Naik brings cultural transformation in business organizations by engaging the humanity of their people: 368 Companies, 1246 Professionals.

Videos and Podcast Episodes

I also host a podcast called "The Business Philosopher Within You."
Check it out here... 

The "Ideas and Impact" podcast with Jeremy Jones in its entirety. Deep-dive the episode here. 

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From My Blog

Stay up to date with the latest ideas, tips & tools for being your own management guru!

9 Reasons Why Management Theories are Killing Your Business" >9 Reasons Why Management Theories are Killing Your Business
Most business owners and leaders want their businesses to thrive for a long time in the marketplace. Businesses are made[...]
The Single Most Important Reason for Poor Work Performance" >The Single Most Important Reason for Poor Work Performance
Are there people on your team who are under-performing?  All leaders and manager have to deal with under-performing employees one[...]
Emotional Self Awareness: Why Emotions Have Little To Do With Intelligence
How do people feel when they interact with the people in your team? If you had a better handle on[...]

Bhavesh is a savvy businessman, wise leader, and exceptional listener with valuable and grounded knowledge in many diverse arenas. I learn new things from him in every conversation! I wholeheartedly recommend working with Bhavesh, and just getting to know him.

Suzi Pomerants

Suzi Pomerantz, MT., MCC 

Executive Coach, Bestselling Author 

CEO, Innovative Leadership, LLC

I attended Bhavesh's workshop and was impressed for what we were able to accomplish together in just a day. His ability to drive me through the process of understanding my business, my clients and my capabilities and to present all that information in a compelling way was of tremendous value to me.

Right after our training, we doubled our rates, increasing our revenues, without losing any clients. All because what we learned with Bhavesh.

Martin Posse

Martin Posse

Cyber Security Management

Tired of People's Sales, Management,
and Business Philosophies?

Build your own. (I will help.)

I teach business owners, team leaders and sales professionals how to build their own business philosophies, management theories and sales methods so that they can finally build the business, team or sales career they always thought they would build.

Click the button below to get a started for free...

Bhavesh Naik Photo: I Can Teach You to be Your Own Business Philosopher

Bhavesh continually challenged us to think out of the box and get out of our comfort zones. Jump Start Your Business Brain helped us hone in on what we really provide our clients and The Sandler Training gave us a proven system to follow that increased our sales and instilled a sense of confidence in us and our sales process. He also understands and teaches the importance of the way we think which is crucial for success!

Robin Gordon

Robin Gordon

President, Vocalist, Radio King Orchestra

Working with Bhavesh has propelled my career to wonderful levels, and provided me with the knowledge to have confidence in years of unprecedented success to come!

As an instructor, he is a magnificent moderator and provides uplifting suggestions of how to incorporate his training more efficiently, without belittling. From a personal stand-point, he's simply a pleasant guy to know!

Scott Downs

Scott W. Downs

Financial Professional

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