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Why this Podcast
Today's business management philosophies are deeply rooted in the Scientific Management Theories developed in the 1800, which systematically removed from management many qualities that made us human.
As a result, our business organizations are running at a fraction of their maximum capacity while causing disengagement among our employees and dissatisfaction with their work, often resulting in burnout, despair and existential crisis stemming from unfulfilling work.
Forge Human Organizations that Outlast You
On this podcast, we help our listeners explore and unlock the business philosopher within them, enabling them to build human organizations that are high-performing, self-sustaining and scalable for generations to come.
Our conversations explore frameworks, ideas, strategies and tools that aid us in awakening the inner business philosopher within each of us.
Build a Self-Perpetuating Business
When a business is overly dependent on the charismatic leadership of one person or a few key individuals in the organization, it remains an unsustainable organization that cannot scale beyond its initial stages of success.
We discuss management strategies that deeply engage the individuals within our business, tapping into the core of their humanity, so that they become self-empowered organizations and can endure for generations to come.
Inspire a Self-Empowered Organization
When an organization relies heavily on the performance and personal leadership of a few key individuals, it fails to foster a culture of self-empowerment within the organization.
We explore strategies to infuse humanity into organizational systems, processes, and standard operating procedures. By doing so, we aim to inspire a self-empowered organization capable of scaling its operations beyond the dependency on a few individuals.
Enable High-Performing Work Teams
When our employees reserve their best work for part-time side hustles, weekend charity projects and evening hobbies, our teams cannot perform at their peak levels.
We bring perspectives on empathetic leadership that enable us to engage our teams at the core of their humanity, allowing them to perform at their peak capacity while experiencing fulfillment and satisfaction in their work.
Our Guests
We invite two categories of guests on the show. Our primary focus is to explore the human factor in each discipline.
The first category comprises business leaders who have built thriving organizations and are willing to share the business philosophies that contributed to their success. The second category consists of experts, authorities and thought leaders from diverse backgrounds who can offer their wisdom to help us become better business philosophers and build self-sustaining organizations.
- Experts, Authorities, Thought Leaders
About Your Host
Bhavesh brings about cultural transformation in business organizations by engaging the humanity of their people. He has accomplished this with 368 companies, working with 1,246 professionals, through over 700 instructor-led workshops, with more than 1,000 hours of in-person, live training.
Drawing upon his expertise and experience, Bhavesh has developed a teachable framework called the Humanity Frameworkᵀᴹ. This methodology for organizational and cultural transformation honors, unlocks, and channels the innate humanity of individuals, assisting business leaders in constructing enduring organizations.
Frequently Asked Questions
On this podcast, we help our listeners explore and unlock the Business Philosopher within them, enabling them to build a human organization that is high-performing, self-sustaining and scalable for generations to come.
Our business organizations are operating at a fraction of their maximum capacity, leading to employee disengagement and dissatisfaction with their work. This often results in burnout, despair and existential crises arising from unfulfilling work.
Why is this happening? It's because today's business management philosophies are rooted in the Scientific Management Theories from the 1800s, which stripped away from management practices many qualities that make us human.
This podcast helps you generate out-of-the-box ideas, strategies and tools to create an enduring organization that outlives its founders, creators and leaders.
A business philosopher is someone who has three qualities:
1. They do their own thinking and trust their own judgment above that of others,
2. They think about human condition, and
3, They apply their independent thinking to produce concrete results in the cold, hard realities of the marketplace.
This podcast is for "brainy bosses," which include business presidents, CEOs, owners, organizational managers, and team leaders responsible for managing creative talent, professional expertise, and human experience that cannot be replicated by machines.
Our listeners consist of business builders, organizational managers, team leaders, and career professionals who aspire to construct self-perpetuating, enduring business organizations, work teams and careers that last beyond their own existence.
A Brainy Boss is a leader who understands the importance of managing creative talent, professional expertise, and human experience in a manner that cannot be replicated by machines.
They are driven to build self-sustaining businesses, organizations, and teams that can outlast themselves. They do this by applying their own thinking to produce tangible results in the cold, hard realities of the marketplace.
We interview business leaders who have built sustainable organizations. They share the business philosophies that led them to their achievements.
In addition, we interview a diverse range of experts, authors, thought leaders, artists, performers, teachers, trainers and individuals from all walks of life. They help us embrace our humanity and infuse it into every aspect of our endeavors, including managing our businesses, leading our work-teams, and designing and building organizations.
Through inspiring and often deep conversations, we engage with organizational leaders, business builders, career professionals, thought leaders, teachers, artists, and experts from various backgrounds. They help us get in touch with our inner humanness and unlock the inner business philosopher within us.