SUCCESS! Your checklist is on the way to your inbox.
While you wait, fast-track your adoption of these 20 unconventional sales strategies.
Save 80% and enroll in this course for only $39.40!
Don't Enjoy Selling?
Learn 20 Sales Strategies that Enhance Your Image as a Professional Trusted Advisor, Not Diminish It
Do you need to bring in revenues to your business but don't enjoy selling?
In this course, you will learn 20 unconventional sales strategies that will allow you to bring in higher sales revenues, at better margins and at less effort while enhancing your image as a professional, trusted advisor to your clients.
Do You Get the Respect You Deserve as a Professional from Your Potential Clients?
It's a funny thing. When people wear the hats of a buyer and a seller, they become different people. Prospects often treat salespeople as they would treat no one else in their lives.
How do we get the respect we deserve as professionals from our prospects so we can have a constructive dialogue about doing business? How do we stop the games and get down to business so we can fix their problems, make them happy, and get paid fair compensation at good profit margins?
Has this ever happened to you?
You approach a prospective client. They ask for a proposal. They tell you they will be looking at 3 proposals and make a decision from them. You send them a nicely detailed proposal.
Then you wait...
You follow up. They are nowhere to be found. Their secretary tells you they are in a meeting. You leave them voice mails. They don't get returned.
You try to move on. Maybe just focus on other things to do. Maybe they won't buy after all.
But they seemed so genuinely interested. Such nice people. And they run a fine organization. Their reputation in the industry in impeccable.
They can't be misleading you, right?
They would be a such an honor to do business with. A feather in your cap.
Finally, you give up. But now and then you think about that prospect and hope that maybe someday they will be a customer.
You dream about how you will celebrate when they make that big purchase. You will take your family out to dinner and then get back home and stream that new family movie that just came out.
Hey, just because it's Covid does not mean you can't celebrate a win.
Then, suddenly, you get a text message that sounds urgent.
They need more information on the proposal you had sent. More details.
And, of course, you hop on it and make it happen. You send them the new details. They seem genuinely interested this time. Things have turned.
Or have they?
When you follow through again with texts, emails and phone calls, you get the same response: crickets. Voice mail hell.
They have disappeared - again!
If you were charging for your time and expertise, you would bill them hundreds or probably thousands of dollars. But of course, this has to be done for free.
They are not customers yet, are they?
Some days later, you find out that they went with your competition. They didn't even call you and tell it you to your face.
Not even a &$%#$*! rejection letter!
After all that you did for them.
Or they come back and do buy from you, but the project is smaller. They are buying less than what they said they were going to buy.
It's now a much smaller project, with thinner margins. And at a lower price. With better terms - for them.
Perhaps instead of that big family dinner out, you may just order a takeout as a celebration. And instead of renting a new Disney+ release that costs $20, you might just watch an older rental on Netflix for $5.99. It's still a movie, right? And maybe the kids won't know the difference.
Sound familiar?
How do I know you may have gone through this?
Because it's my story. It has happened to me. In fact, almost every deal that I got in front of early in the days of running my systems integration business, it was this same story.
I have stacks of proposal I can show you that are over 200 pages - *each*.
I thought maybe it was me. Maybe such a thing happened only with me.
But as I talked to more and more people, I found out that it wasn't just me.
This was happening with almost everyone.
Anyone who had a big-ticket, value-added project or service to bring to their clients. They were being played similar games.
What made it worse was that these people were professionals, experts in their fields with a high level of authority and recognition among their peers. They knew their stuff. They were good at it.
And yet, when they got in front of their potential clients, they were being treated like a dime-a-dozen commodity. They were being treated like they were paddling something illegal.
It's a funny thing. When people put on these hats where one person is called a buyer and the other a seller, they become different people.
Prospects treat salespeople like they would treat no one else in their lives.
But it's not their fault. Whose fault is it? Well, I have some theories, but it's not a very productive discussion. (Hint: The sales training industry probably has something to do with it.)
A more important question is "How do we fix this?" How do we get the respect we deserve as professionals from our prospects so we have a respectful dialogue about doing business?
How do we stop the games and get down to business so we can fix their problems, make them happy, maybe even ecstatic, and get paid fair compensation at good profit margins?
The story above may not be your story entirely. But perhaps you can identify with some of it.
If you do, I have some good news for you.
What I offer in this course is a culmination of working with hundreds of professionals like you. In this course, I share some unconventional sales strategies - 20 to be exact - that will allow you to flip the script and tell a different story.
20 Unconventional Sales Strategies to
Increase Your Sales Revenues
Do you find yourself in a situation where you need to bring in revenues by selling products or services but don't enjoy the process of selling?
Do you lead a sales organization that needs to sell high-end, big-ticket projects to business clients by being professional, trusted advisors to them?
Do you run a business with a post-sales technical support team that can bring in higher sales revenues to the company?
In this workshop, I share 20 unconventional sales strategies that allow you and your sales organization to stop being the stereo-typical salesperson, but also allow you to bring in higher revenues, at better margins, and with less effort.
Enroll today!
Here’s What Will Happen When You Sign Up
You can't learn how to play tennis by reading books and memorizing facts and figures. You learn it by practicing the right skills until they become natural to you.
Selling and communicating is a contact-sport that we improve only by developing our own insights and then gradually putting them to practice in the real world. That's why, we have designed this course to give you a private place that you can go to regularly, develop new insights, put them to practice in your world and then come back again.
When you sign up for this course, you will have a place you can go to and do these exact things.
Create Your Own Learning
With a private learning space that's all your own, you can learn at your own pace, in your own way. We suggest a step-by-step progression, but we don't force a learning path on you. You have the freedom to jump around and create your own learning experience.
Learn Experientially
Instead of forcing memorization of facts and data, we have designed this course for you create your own insights that allow you to try what you learned in the real-world scenarios.
Relieve Psychological Pressure
The learning experience is designed to take the internal pressure that comes from learning the old-fashioned way. The strategies we share are designed to reduce the pressure in your next conversation with a potential buyer.
Enhance Professional Presence
The strategies shared in this workshop are specifically meant to enhance your standing as a professional, trusted advisor to your potential clients.
Improve Margins
One of the primary objectives of the unconventional sales strategies is to boost your take-home profit margins from each sales you close. As you try out some of these strategies, you can expect to be able to charge higher prices for the services you offer, because the prospects will see the value in your offerings.
Boost Revenues
The natural side effect of being perceived as a professional advisor to your potential clients is a boost in the number of closed deals and the average sale size. This naturally leads to higher sales revenues - both individually as a salesperson and collectively as a sales organization.
Here’s what people are saying about the course
Jean-Yves Van Halle
Financial Advisor
You cannot afford to leave sales on the table
If you need to grow your sales for yourself or your organization, you owe it to yourself to get in touch with Bhavesh and attend one of his seminars, without delay because you cannot afford to leave these sales on the table or, worse, to your competition.
Robin Gordon
Business Owner
Increased our sales and instilled confidence
Bhavesh continually challenged us to think out of the box and get out of our comfort zones. His training helped us hone in on what we really provide our clients and gave us a proven system to follow that increased our sales and instilled a sense of confidence in us and our sales process.
Martin Posse
Business Owner
Doubles our rates without losing clients
Right after our training, we doubled our rates, increasing our revenues without losing any clients.
Here's a Highlight of What's In this Course
This workshop is organized in 6 sections. Each section addresses one of the six problems all sales organizations face. For each of the six sales problems, it offers its underlying causes, 20 in total. Each of those 20 causes are addressed with a sales strategy totally a total of 20 sales strategies. Together, these 20 sales strategies turn the 6 sales problems in 6 solutions. Here are the six sales problems and solutions we that are addressed in this course.
Problem/Solution 1: Quantity of Opportunities in Your Sales Pipeline
Not enough prospects in your sales pipeline? We get behind the reasons we don't have enough opportunities in our sales pipeline and 3 strategies to fill it up.
Problem/Solution 2: Quality of Opportunities in Your Sales Pipeline
Too many prospects in your sales pipeline who are wasting your time? We diagnose why the quality of our sales opportunities is low and discuss 4 strategies to improve it.
Problem/Solution 3: Your Closing Ratio
Too many opportunities are slipping out of your fingers? We take a deep-dive into the reasons behind low closing ratio - the number of opportunities that turn into close sales - and how to improve it.
Problem/Solution 4: Pricing of Your Services and Products
"Your price is too high!" - Haven't we all heard it? We look at 2 simple reasons we get pushback on what we charge for your products and services and 2 corresponding strategies that help us turn pricing pressures into pricing cooperation.
Problem/Solution 5: Length of Your Sales Cycles
Does it take you forever to close a piece of business? We look at 4 reasons our sales cycles are too long and 4 strategies that allow us to shorten them and bring in sales quickly.
Problem/Solution 6: Sales Process
Does your sales process or "selling system" confine you to mediocrity instead of allowing you to excel? We discuss 2 reasons many of the much-hyped sales processes trap us in low performance and 2 ways to be freed by them.
Your Private Place to Explore a New Way of Learning
When you sign up, you will have your own private place to explore a fresh way of learning. Do you learn most on your own? You can explore the materials on your own time, at your own pace, in your own way. Need some help? Use the comments section throughout the course to ask your questions - and make comments - and I will respond in detail. And the written material gives you yet another modality if your learning style includes reading.
Access to the Instructor
Learning these strategies is important. But the real magic happens when the rubber meets the road - when you take something and apply it to the real world. And like anything new we learn, things don't always workout they way we would. That's why, having access to someone who has practiced these strategies is important.
In my 20-plus years of teaching, training, coaching and practicing these strategies, there is little I have not seen or heard. If you need help with the specifics of implementing these strategies, I am available by email or through the comments inside the course. I always answer questions within one business day.
I live and breathe this stuff and always ready to discuss the details of these strategies in all its granular, gory details. Just post your question inside this course and I will respond within 24 hours. I am also available to the students of this course by email.
Interactive Experience
We learn most by engaging with a topic of learning. And we engage more when we interact with our hands and minds with something that opens up our minds to the matter we are about to learn.
Listening to a lecture and having to memorize something that we then get tested on later (yikes!) should be left behind to our days of highschool.
We can't avoid some presentations as this is an online course, after all. But we have made sure that that the material we cover is not something to memorize and recall but to discover in your own way and then - if so inspired - put to practice in the actual world.
Support Materials
The content of this course is also available in a written form. Most of us learn new ways of doing things by repetition. We also need different ways of processing information. The videos and interactive exercises are the core of this course. But you have access to the same content in a written form, which is included in the course as a separate attachment.
About Bhavesh Naik
Bhavesh is perhaps the most under-qualified person you can find to be in his current role. By traditional measures, he is not your “typical” trainer, coach or management consultant. He does not have a Ph.D. in Organizational Development or a Masters Degree in Human Resources. Bhavesh also owns no certifications from any coaching and training institutions (and plans to keep it that way).
He has spent more time out in the field, in the trenches, working in the business world, doing the kind of work that his workshop participants do, than in a laboratory, a classroom or in academic pursuits.
Everything that Bhavesh teaches has been tried, tested and proven, first in the best Research and Development Lab that the world has to offer - himself, and second in the real world, working with his clients and students, one-on-one, in small groups and large seminars. That’s why, instead of being a know-all, be-all preacher, Bhavesh can be someone who the participants can relate with as “one of us.”
Bhavesh has logged well over 1000 hours in the classroom, coaching, training, and instructing hundreds of sales professionals and sales executives.
The core aspect of his teaching to selling professionals is an emphasis on unconventional sales strategies that help sales professionals solidify their image as professional, trusted advisors while closing a profitable sale.
The foundation of the sales strategies in this guide are the principles of compassion for and human-to-human connection with all people.
About Bhavesh Naik
Chris Heurich
Owner, Lyrical Imagery
Diligent, conscientious and passionate about his work
In my experience with Bhavesh, I have found him to be diligent, conscientious and passionate about his work.
Jerome Love
President, The Rehab Crew, Inc.
Helping organizations maximize sales performance
The success of any for-profit business is driven by sales performance. Bhavesh excels at helping organizations maximize sales performance using a blend of motivation techniques and sales training. Bhavesh is clearly one of the best and I look forward to his continuing success.
Dale Kramer
President, K Squared Builders, Inc.
Very easy to work with, a great listener and a true asset to us.
We have an ongoing professional relationship with Bhavesh both as a Sales Trainer for new our sales candidates but also as a Coach for our managers and staff. Bhavesh is very easy to work with, a great listener and a true asset to us. I highly recommend him not just to help improve sales but also to strategize and set goals for the direction you company is going.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 7 Days
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. Give this course a shot for 7 days. If you don't feel confident that the sales strategies you are starting to put together with the help of this course are not helping you achieve your sales goals, just email us at and we'll send you a prompt refund.