Attn: Business Owners and Presidents
Are You the Single Point of Failure in Your Business?
Build a Scalable Business on Autopilot
Take this FREE Business Health Check and get the tools you need to create the foundation for a self-perpetuating, long-lasting business that frees up its executives from daily intervention.
Here’s What You’ll Get With Your Business Health Check
SustainEase(TM) Business Health Check, our comprehensive business self-sustainability assessment, tells you what you need to know to make your business less reliant on your day-to-day involvement and helps you build a strengths-based strategic plan for building a self-sustaining, self-perpetuating, scalable business on autopilot.
It's absolutely free to you and comes with a free strategy guide that helps you create your own strategic framework to build a high-performing organization on auto-pilot.
Jumpstart the Heart of Your Business
The life of your business is your people. If your people are engaged with their core, they will help you build an empowered organization that thrives without daily, direct intervention from you. Find out what you need to know to engage your people's heart and soul.
Rejuvenate Your Passion for the Business
It's lonely at the top. So sometimes business leaders get a little stuck in a channeled way of thinking. Assessing your business with Business Health Check will give you fresh ways of looking at your business. Reading and working through the included Strategy Guide will inspire new ways of thinking about your business and rejuvenate your passion for your business.
Get Your Business on a Solid Footing
With SustainEase™ Business Health Check, you will discover the strengths and weaknesses of your business in 12 different areas. With this knowledge, and with the help of included Strategy Guide, you will be able to create a framework for building a solid philosophical foundation that makes your business an enduring success.
Formulate Your Success Philosophy
There is a reason why you have been successful thus far. You may have not articulated it yet, but you have a success philosophy that has made you successful. Bringing this philosophy to your awareness will help your business to continue to thrive and build the next stage of success. The Business Health Check and the Strategy Guide will give you ideas, insights and a framework to formulate your business philosophy.
Assess Your Business' Health
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Assess Your Business' Health
Click "START" button below...
Frequently Asked Questions
In every business, some parts of it may be stagnating or not performing as well as others. This creates a bottleneck in that business that could lead an entire business to hit a plateau.
When the people in that business or organization discover which parts of that organization are not performing as well as others, they have a chance at leveraging the well-performing parts and fixing the parts that are under-performing. With this new-found knowledge, they can build the next stage of success and growth for that business.
If you are engaged with such a business or a non-profit in any of the following roles, you may benefit from taking this quiz.
- Business Owners, Presidents, CEO's.
- Executive Directors of non-profit organizations.
- CXOs, VPs, Directors, and Managers of businesses and non-profits.
- Employees, contractors and individual contributors who work for an organization.
- Consultants, advisers, board members, and engaged observers.
- Analysts, reporters, and investors.
The more people who take the questionnaire, the more objective the aggregate results are. The more diversity is there in the perspective of the people taking the assessment, the more meaningful the results are.
- Your Self-Sustainability Index™, which is a measure of how ready your business is to be self-sustainable without direct, day-to-day involvement from its leaders and managers in its daily operations.
- 5 “Health Scores” relating to your business in 5 key functions of your business that tell you which functions are doing the best and the worst (you can even rank them from best to worst or worst to best).
- 3 “Alignment Scores” (Purpose, Strategy and Execution) that indicate how your business is aligned to its core. When alignment is high, your business operates with effortless efficiency. When it’s low, you business collects blockages that inhibit its growth and success.
- 7 “Engagement Scores” that indicate how 7 different faculties of your people are engaged in your business. When your people are engaged deeply, they can make miracles; when they are not, they become obstacles.
- The Philosopher's Strategy Guide, includes a score interpretation guide and lays out ways to interpret and use the scores. It helps you define where you are so that you can build the next stage of your business success.
- A new framework for looking at your business in a way that no one else has ever talked about in any of the success, management and leadership literature.
- A starting blue-print for building your own success philosophy to help you stage the next phase of your growth and success.
- You answer - actually, rate on a scale - a few questions about your business.
- It takes a total of 10 to 15 minutes to go through the questionnaire.
- At the end of the questionnaire, we email you your scores and the Business Philosopher's Strategy guide you can download.
It allows us to demonstrate the experience of working with our tools and resources while adding value to your professional life.
May be you will feel compelled to engage with us further and benefit from what we offer.
If not, you will walk away with something of value and we will have generated some goodwill.
Wherever you come out, let me assure you, the answers will be relieving and refreshing.
Have you ever gone to a doctor with some pain in the neck?
Once you knew what was going on, you most likely felt a bit better.
Knowing the truth about a situation makes you feel better because it relieves the emotional tug-of-war we subject ourselves to when something is not going right in a situation.
You will also have many ideas about what changes to make in your business to make it stronger, longer-lasting, and more engaging business for everyone involved with it.
This will give you a sense of power and control over your professional life and make you feel a bit better.
Let me assure you: You won't and you can't fail.
If you have owned a lead a business or non-profit organization, worked for one, or know a little about one, you already know what you need to know to take this quiz.
Everything that you need to know to take take this quiz is something that you are already an expert on. The quiz is a series of multiple choice types of questions that require you to know no more than what you already know.
In fact, we encourage you to be exactly who you are when you take the quiz. It's your unique perspective that's important.
SustainEase™ Business Health Check helps you clearly see the parts of your business that are performing well and parts that are not performing as well so that you can build on the good parts and fix the under-performing parts.
If you can identify with one or more of the following, you may benefit from taking SustainEase™ Business Health Check:
- You have built a successful business or or non-profit that has reached a plateau and you need some insights into why that has happened.
- You would like to get in touch with some of your most pressing issues from a different, refreshing perspective.
- You would like to step back a little and look at your business in ways you may never have done before.
- Your business' success sometimes feels on a shaky ground as you can’t quite explain the real reasons for your success in a comprehensive and unified way.
- You have not yet fully nailed your “success philosophy” that would help you move forward with confidence, clarity and purpose in all areas of your business.
- The exuberance in the growth phase of your business has waned a bit and may have been replaced by occasional worry, fear or doubt.
- You are not as engaged as you would like to be with the business you work for and would like to do something to change it in a positive, constructive way.
- You would like to get some insight into how strong a potential employer is after doing a job a interview with them.
- You would like to get some idea of what a business is like as an investment, potential partnership, or a client.
- You are an adviser to a business and bring some meaningful insight to its executive body.
- Most business checks primarily look at 2 human faculties: intellect and behavior. SustainEase™ Business Health Check looks at 7 human faculties, making it much more comprehensive, in-depth and meaningful.
- Most other business assessments make human intellect the focal point of their business philosophy. SustainEase™ Business Health Check includes intellect in its business management philosophy but is centered around a much more powerful dimension: human awareness.
- Most business checks give you a score and leave it up to you to interpret it. SustainEase™ Business Health Check comes with a Strategy Guide which includes a guide to help you interpret your scores and build you own business philosophy.
- Most other business assessments are one dimensional, giving you scores in one aspect of your business. SustainEase™ Business Health Check is multi-dimensional, giving you three sets of scores in three different aspects of your business (Health, Alignment and Employee Engagement.).
Zero. For now anyway. We reserve the right to charge in future if the price of food, clothing, and children's diapers goes up substantially in our corner of the world (Metro Washington, DC, USA).
Certainly. You can simply email or share the link to this page using your browser's social sharing buttons.
"I take so many of these quizzes and such and often come out feeling none the wiser or even disappointed."
There is a simple way to find out if you will get value by taking this assessment.
Go through the first 5 to 7 clicks and abandon it if you are not compelled to keep going. (Like watching the first 5 minutes of a new Netflix show to see if you would get hooked.)
You may find that you are learning something new even as you take this quiz. We have designed the quiz so that even just the act of taking it will stir up some inspiration and ideas.
About the Creator:
Bhavesh Naik
Bhavesh has trained and coached over 1000 business professionals - Presidents, CEOs, managers and career professionals - in helping them build resilient, self-sustaining business organizations that can last beyond themselves.
He has captured 22 years of his experience in Humanity Frameworkᵀᴹ, an organizational and cultural transformation methodology that honors, unlocks and channels the innate humanity of people and helps business leaders build organizations as a microcosm of the world they want to see.
SustainEase™ Health Check gets its inspiration from over two decades of working face-to-face with hundreds of business presidents.
When not designing courses, recording training sessions and working with students and clients, Bhavesh takes every chance he gets to visit the beautiful Great Falls Park not far from his home in the Washington, DC area.
A Personal Note: This stuff is really close to my heart. If you accept my invitation and join me on this journey, I will do everything in my power to help you become successful.
Start building a self-sustaining business on autopilot today!
Start building a self-sustaining business on autopilot today!