
Marketing Strategy

Strategy Vs Tactics: Which One Does Your Business Need?

Strategy Or Tactics: Which One Does Your Business Need?

Can you imagine playing tennis with one hand tied behind your back? That’s how many businesses operate. They are often handicapped by the fact that they are either tactically or strategically dominant.This article uses the example of one of the most important battles in the American Civil War, the Battle of Gettysburg, to highlight the […]

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The Foundation of a Recession Proof Business

The Foundation Of A Recession-Proof Business is What Makes You Different

The Foundation of a Recession Proof Business

Most business leaders want to build a business that’s not only successful in the marketplace but also the kind that remains successful for a long time. But many businesses, even though they may be successful for the time being, may not be built to sustain that success through the ups and downs of the long term business-cycle.

The Slowest Way to Go Out of Business

Perhaps a good way to study why businesses can’t sustain their success is to study why they are built to go out of business. This article points out the single most important reason businesses, especially the small and mediums sized businesses, go out of business slowly and painfully and, by contrast, demonstrates how to build the foundation of a long-lasting, recession-proof business.

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